Super Heroine-Sheriff Yellow Targeted, Vanishing Vanishing-
Item No. GHKR-01

Cast actress Nanami Yua
Director Hasegawa Tadayuki

With Sheriff Pink being killed by the evil brothers, the Space Sheriff decides to introduce the Neo Boost mode, an improved version of the Boost mode. The neo-boost mode, which enables a significant increase in output compared to the previous boost mode, but the burden on the user's body has also increased further. Sheriff Pink's junior Sheriff Yellow and Kosugi Manami reluctantly accept the introduction of the neo-boost mode and head to secure space criminals. However, an unidentified enemy appears there. Sheriff yellow ... which is driven in front of the unidentified enemy's combat power. Inevitably sheriff yellow uses the neo-boost mode and succeeds in defeating this unidentified enemy ... at the same time the reaction causes pain in the body ... suffering. And a few days later ... a villainy brother-brother, who should have died in front of Sheriff Yellow, will appear. "Why are you supposed to die ..." Sherif Yellow puzzled .... Sherif Yellow can defeat the villainy brother and can take a Sherif pink spear. !

This work is a sequel to the previously released "The targeted super heroine-destiny of tragedy waiting for sheriff pink". While following the concept of the previous work, she changed her heroine to sheriff pink and made her fellow sheriff yellow. The new heroine Sheriff Yellow is driven into the enemy, committed to tattering, the reinforcement suit is smashed, and as with the previous work, other than the boots and gloves will be driven into death almost completely naked. And in the end, while being embarrassed by humiliation, the enemy will forgive the forgiveness, but the villain laughs such a heroine .... This time she has played Sheriff Yellow, who is being battered by the bad guys, Yuuka Nanami, who is being driven into and battered by Pikaichi. It is a must-see figure to drop tears with tears at the last minute by sheriff yellow played by Yua-san.

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